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Alert Level 2 and your Business
As of Thursday, 14 May 2020 we are at Alert Level 2. This means that even more businesses will be allowed to resume operations.
Alert Level 3 – What this Means for Businesses
On Monday 21 April 2020 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that 11. 59pm on Monday 27 April 2020 would be the end of New Zealand’s nationwide lockdown at Alert Level 4.
Force Majeure Clauses
Does your contract contain a force majeure clause entitling a party to suspend the performance of its contractual obligations, without incurring any liability? If you’re unsure of the relevance of your force majeure clause and how it may be applied…
Support for Businesses during COVID-19
Introduction 0n 3 April 2020, the Government has proposed further measures to support businesses by way of introducing new legislative changes to the Companies Act.
Commercial Leases – COVID-19
The Government has stepped up its coronavirus response to Level 4. This has meant that all non-essential businesses are now closed, as at 11. 59pm on 25 March 2020, for at least four weeks.