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Stopping pirates before breakfast
Stopping pirates before breakfast The recent dispute about Sanitarium Weet-Bix and British Weetabix has received a lot of media attention, but one point that wasn’t widely covered is how the dispute made it to Court at all.
Kiwi farming innovation shines
Kiwi farming innovation shines The National Agricultural Fieldays is a celebration of New Zealand’s farming success, and it should come as no surprise this includes innovation and invention in agriculture.
Design Rights
Design Infringer in Hot Water Registered Designs protect the look and style of a product – its aesthetic value – and can be very useful in industries where an integral part of the brand is how something looks.
The Zuru Example - 5 tips for making a splash with patent pro...
5 tips for making a splash with patent protection Kiwi firm Zuru made headlines this week for winning ~$18million in a patent infringement action in the US.
What will they think of next?
What will they think of next? (October 2017) Patents provide a 20 year market monopoly in a product or process, which can be a significant commercial advantage.
Geographical Indications Registration
GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS REGISTRATION New Zealand at long last has a Geographical Indications (GI) register – although only for Wines and Spirits.